The extent of your creativity is the extent to which you can contribute to White Conch. Some suggested ways to consider us in your giving are:

Air Miles or Plane Tickets

 A large part of the mission of White Conch is to be able to facilitate Rinpoche’s worldwide teaching visits. Any frequent flier miles or airline tickets donated help defray the associated costs of disseminating the Dharma.

Estate Planning

Your considerations for the future of White Conch has far reaching implications for generations to come. One way to give long term support is to include White Conch in your will and estate planning. Learn more about planned giving options here.

Specified Donations

Our community members have frequently shown their support and commitment by helping to finance specific projects or purchases. During the construction of Norbu House at our retreat facility, numerous individuals sponsored materials and many more continue to help keep the cost of utilities and other expenses down.


White Conch is supported most by a community of big-hearted, selfless individuals who regularly get involved helping with facility projects, coordinating teaching events, assisting with media production, and so much more. Volunteering is a great way to get to know community members and to give back to the Dharma. Contact for volunteer opportunities.

Email: for donation specific questions for volunteering opportunities

White Conch