What is Meditation?

Meditation is all about transforming the mind. We direct the mind toward virtuous states of mind and practice them. This is how we change our mind. By practicing a specific pattern, such as loving kindness, our mind becomes habituated. Then it is easier to express loving kindness in daily life – even under challenging circumstances. At the same time, we are denying attention and life energy to unhappy states of mind, such as worry or anger, so that it naturally dissolves from disuse.


How to Quiet the Mind How can you develop a quiet mind while living in the milieu of the city? Domo Geshe Rinpoche shares advice and a guided meditation appropriate to any spiritual (or non-spiritual) path to help you develop a quiet mind.

April 20, 2010 Burbank, CA





Five Types of Meditation Domo Geshe Rinpoche discusses what meditation is and guides students in five types of meditation: Calming the body, calming the mind, cogitation, prayer and chanting, and transformative meditation. March 4, 2011





Learn Mindfulness Rinpoche discusses mindfulness for those in the helping professions. This teachings includes German translation.

Audio – May 12, 2014:  Mindfulness in the Helping Professions


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